People Raising Children (Elementary to Junior High School)

This page offers information for those raising a child of elementary to junior high school age.

Please click on one of the following to jump to your desired category.

●Japanese Education System
●Elementary and Junior High School
●Education after Compulsory Education
●Children with Special Needs
●Consultation Service Counters
●Japanese-Language Education
●Allowances, Subsidies, etc.
●Childrearing Support
●Children’s Hall and Children’s Corner/Children’s Club
●Children’s Health
●For Single-Parent Families

Japanese Education System

Elementary and Junior High School

Education after Compulsory Education

Children with Special Needs

Consultation Service Counters

Feel free to consult about any concerns, problems or questions about childrearing

If you have concerns about your child’s development and the use of related services, please contact the following:

If you have problems or questions regarding your child’s education, please contact the following:

If you have any other problems or concerns, please contact the following:

Japanese-Language Education

Japanese-language guidance and support is provided at elementary and junior high schools.

Allowances, Subsidies, etc.

The following allowances and subsidies are available for those raising a child. Applications are required. Please check the conditions for eligibility in advance.

Childrearing Support

Temporary childcare and support such as household chores and childcare assistance are provided.

Children’s Hall and Children’s Corner/Children’s Club

Children’s Health

For Single-Parent Families

The following support, allowances and subsidies are available for single-parent families: