Education Consultation Office
- Health and Medicine
- Disability Welfare
- Education and Childcare
- Child-Raising and Education
- Child-Raising and Education
- Child-Raising Support Facilities
The Education Consultation Office provides advice to children and their parents/guardians living in Shinjuku City on educational issues such as children’s personality, behavior, mental and physical health as well as development, academics and career counseling.
Consultation services are available face-to-face or by phone. The phone consultations are useful for those who cannot visit the office in person due to household circumstances or lack of time, and/or those who wish to remain anonymous.
For more information, please visit the Shinjuku Education Center International Understanding Office website (Japanese only).
● Face-to-face consultations
Reservation required.
Tel: 03-3232-3071
● Phone consultations
Tel: 03-3232-2711