Elementary School and Junior High School (Municipal)

Compulsory education in Japan includes six years of elementary school and three years of junior high school for a total of nine years from 6 to 15 years of age.
Although foreign children are not obligated to receive compulsory education, if you are a foreign resident and would like to enroll your child in a Japanese school, you can apply for admission. Please bring your and your child’s residence cards and other necessary documents and consult with the Board of Education.
School Management Support Section, School Management Division

For more information about elementary schools, junior high schools, and special support school, click here.
School Guides

Education Fees

There is no charge for enrollment, classes, or textbooks for municipal elementary or junior high schools. However, parents must bear the cost for school supplies, school lunches, field trips, and excursions. If you have financial difficulty in meeting these costs, there are subsidies available to cover educational expenses depending on income.
For more information, click here.