Japanese-Language Support Classes (Beginner-level Japanese Instructions)
- Daily Life
- Japanese-Language Education
- Japanese-Language Education in School
- Child-Raising and Education
- Child-Raising and Education
- Japanese-Language Education
Instruction in the child’s mother tongue is offered for children who have transferred into a kindergarten, elementary school, or junior high school in Japan, but cannot speak Japanese, so that they can adjust to the Japanese language and school life in Japan.
Besides instruction in the Japanese-language, instructors can also provide consultation for communication between the school and family.
In the past, many children have learned Japanese through these classes and have been able to enjoy school life in Japan.
Japanese-language support classes at the Education Center or its satellite office
Thirty hours of concentrated instruction is provided. In general, only classes in Korean or Chinese are available, but other languages may be made available upon consultation.
Japanese-language support classes at kindergartens and schools
Fifty hours of instruction are provided for kindergarteners and elementary school first- and second-graders. Seventy hours for elementary school third- through sixth-graders and junior high school students. Extended instruction may be provided when advancing to elementary or junior high school.
For more information, visit the International Understanding Department, Shinjuku Education Center website(available in Japanese only).