People Looking for Employment

This page offers information for those looking to find a job in Japan.

Please click on one of the following to jump to your desired category.

●Status of Residence to Work in Japan
●Facilities and Websites That Offer Job Referrals
●Consultation Service Counters

Status of Residence to Work in Japan

Foreign residents may engage in work in Japan within the range designated under their status of residence. Before looking for a job, check whether your status of residence allows you to work. Even if your status does not allow you to work, you may be allowed to work if you have permission to engage in activities other than those permitted under your status of residence.

A certificate of authorized employment, which specifically indicates the employment activities that an individual may engage in, is issued upon application.

Facilities and Websites That Offer Job Referrals

The following facilities and websites offer job referrals and assistance in finding work:

Consultation Service Counters

If you have problems or issues related to work, please contact the following:

If you have any other problems or concerns, please contact the following: