For Pregnant Women and New Mothers
This page offers information related to notifications, various support programs, etc. for pregnant women and new mothers.
Please click on one of the following to jump to your desired category.
●Necessary Procedures
●Childrearing Support Programs
●Consultation Service Counters
●Allowances and Subsidies
●Childrearing Support Facilities
●For Single-Parent Families
●Emergency Temporary Shelters for Women and Mothers with Children
Necessary Procedures
You must complete the following procedures when you learn of your pregnancy:
You must complete the following procedures after giving birth:
Childrearing Support Programs
Shinjuku provides various support for pregnant women and new mothers.
Support Programs for Pregnant Women
Support Programs for Pregnant Women and New Mothers
Support Programs for New Mothers
Consultation Service Counters
If you have any concerns or worries about childrearing, please contact one of the following:
If you have any other problems or concerns, please contact the following:
Allowances and Subsidies
The following allowances and subsidies are available for pregnant women and those raising a child. You must apply for them. Please check the conditions for eligibility in advance.
Childrearing Support Facilities
These facilities provide childrearing consultations, support services, play spaces for children, etc.
For Single-Parent Families
The following support, allowances and subsidies are available for single-parent families: